How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress ? Best Right Way 2021-2022

Do you want How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress Website ? Some times low file upload size limit can stop you from uploading files via media uploader, or install plugins and themes. In this article, we will show you how to easily increase the maximum file upload size Limit in Your WordPress to fix those issues.

How to Check Your Current Maximum File Upload Size Limit in Your WordPress Site?

WordPress will show you the maximum file upload size limit when you are uploading images or media. To check it you can go to Media Then Go Add New page and you will see the maximum file uplaod size limit for your WordPress site.

How to Check Your Maximum File Upload Size Limit in Your WordPress Site?
Check Your Maximum File Upload Size Limit in Your WordPress

How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress ?

Table Of Methods
1. Using Theme’s Functions File
2. Using PHP.ini File
3. Using . htaccess File
4. Using Plugins

1. Your Theme’s Functions File

For This Process

1. Login to To Your Cpanel

2. Go to File Manager

3. Then Go Root Directory Of Your Domain By Default You Have Use Main Root Domain Then Go Public_html . And If You are using The PowerHost Hosting Service Then if use multiple Domains and if your Domain is so you can see Folder Under File Manager so in this case your this is Domain’s Root Directory.

4. Then Go wp-content » themes » Your Theme Folder (Which You Current Use)

5. Here Find functions.php file

6. Edit This Code And Pest The Following Code…

@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '128M' );
@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '128M');
@ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

7. And Click Save Change

2. Create or Edit an existing PHP.INI file

For this method Login to To Your Cpanel And Go To Your WordPress Root Directory Folder Then

Here If You Can Not See a php.ini file in your Root directory then create a file called php.ini Then Edit This File And Pest This Folling Code

upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
max_execution_time = 300

And Click Save Change

3. htaccess Method

For this method Login to To Your Cpanel And Go To Your WordPress Root Directory Folder Then

Then Find .htaccess file if .htaccess can not show Check “Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)”. Now Pest The Following Code..

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

Then Click Save Change

4. Useing Plugin

The absolute simplest option to increase max upload size Limits is to use the free Increase Maximum Upload File Size plugin because it doesn’t require editing any code.

To Do That First install and activate the free plugin from Then, go to Settings → Increase Maximum Upload File Size.

Increase Maximum Upload File Size
Increase Maximum Upload File Size

That’s all, we hope this guide helped you learn How To Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress ?

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